
Mad Crushin’ On Richard Simmons


If Sweatin’ to the Oldies with famed fitness guru Richard Simmons has always been a dream of yours, you can attend one of his personally-taught exercise classes at the Slimmons Studio in Beverly Hills and make that wish come true! But it’s not just oldies you’ll get to work out to. Each class has a different theme, ranging from Kiss to Madonna versus Gaga and Richard usually has an outfit to match! Every time I’ve been to Slimmons, I have an amazing time and leave with with his kind and inspiring words echoing in my head. If you have the chance to attend, YOU MUST! But for now… the awesome Richard Simmons gives us advice on making workouts more fun and staying motivated to reach your goals, whatever they may be!

How did you decide to make your life’s work all about eating healthy and exercising?

After I lost weight and learned to exercise I knew in my heart it would be my life’s work to help others who suffer from a weight problem. I was 200 pounds in the 8th grade and 268 in high school. I never ever exercised in my life until I came to Los Angeles in the early 70’s. and now for the last 37 years I have been a teacher. It is what makes me tick…….makes me happy. I wake up in the morning and I can’t wait to attack the day and be the best that I can be. That …… what I teach.

You inspire so many people around the world. Who are some people that inspire you?

I am very inspired by all the people I have met on my journey. I am inspired by people who have turned their lives around, who lost weight and moved on in their life. I am inspired when i see people who can hardly stand for five minutes of my class and now do the whole class. And over these almost 4 decades I have seen miracles. and those miracles drive me to work harder and help more people.

There’s no doubt that the classes at your Beverly Hills studio should be experienced in person, but for people that are too far away to attend, what advice can you give them to make their workouts more fun?

I learned a long time ago that a workout had to be fun. I mean let’s face it we have fun putting weight on, why not have fun taking it off? If you are bored in your workouts then here are some suggestions: Search the web and find some fun DVDs that you can do at home, then build up a library of them and do one a day. Go look at some gyms or exercise studios. Look at their list of classes. There are so many classes new classes offered today and you should try them out to see which ones fit your fancy.

The anecdotes that you share during class always inspire me on a very relatable level. Can you share one with my readers that might help them when they are going through the woes and throes of everyday life and find it hard to keep focused?

After class I do like to inspire people. So many people seem to live in the past. They can’t forget what happened back there and it is hard to have a healthy present and future when all you can think about is the sadness of the past. You have to make peace with the past and look for the rainbows in the present. You must surround yourself with positive people who make you feel good. Those friends are the true rainbows in your life.

What are your top five songs from the 90’s to work out to?

I am a living jukebox and I listen to music every single day of my life. My top 5 songs from the 90’s that I like to workout to are:
“I’m Too Sexy” – Right Said Fred
“Livin’ La Vida Loca” – Ricky Martin
“Genie In A Bottle” – Christina Aguilera
“Nobody’s Supposed To Be Here” – Deborah Cox
“Believe” – Cher

Where do you get the ideas for the costumes you wear in class?

I grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana.  I was in costumes for Halloween and for the days of Mardi Gras. My parents were singers and dancers. I guess crystals and feathers are in my veins. You see, I like to weave a spell around my students at Slimmons. I don’t want them to think that they are working out. I love dressing up for everyone and making them laugh. The theme of the class dictates the costume. In two weeks* I am doing a class of the legendary voices of the 21st century ………………the warriors of music and of course I am coming as a………….gladiator. Chest plates and all. LOL gold leaves in my hair…………..well you get the picture.

And lastly, what advice would you give me since I want to be an instructor someday? Will you take me under your wing and let me be your apprentice? 🙂

If you want to be a fitness instructor what you need to do is take a lot of classes at different places. See the style of other teachers then get certified to become a teacher. but you have to have a passion for it. And before you can become a good instructor you must walk the walk and talk the talk of a healthy person. You must be a good example to your students and you must always let your students know how wonderful they are. That is what I try to do.


Thank you Richard!! We love you! For more information on Richard and the Slimmons Studio schedule, take a look here (classes are only $12!) You can also follow Richard on Twitter and Facebook!

*Sorry I couldn’t get this post up in time before that class! But sign up for his newsletter so you can find out what themes are coming up!


  • vanessa
    May 24, 2011 at 2:26 pm

    yay! I want to try to go to one of the classes this month, I hope the thrifty bunch will join me.

  • Gretchen
    May 24, 2011 at 3:41 pm

    You would be a super fun instructor Marie – I’d take a class from you any day. 🙂

  • Ashe Mischief
    May 24, 2011 at 3:42 pm

    “I grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana. I was in costumes for Halloween and for the days of Mardi Gras. My parents were singers and dancers. I guess crystals and feathers are in my veins. ”

    All while reading the interview I was like, “yeah…YEAH!” because I can get behind wanting to have fun while losing weight (I did have fun eating dem cupcakes that put those pounds on!). Then I read that and knew, I do, in fact, have to move to LA now.

  • Brenna
    May 24, 2011 at 3:45 pm

    I have a soft spot for that guy. My mom has Alzheimer’s and she used to hang out at my house while my dad worked (I was working from home at the time). On my break, we would always do the Sweatin’ to the Oldies DVD together. It made her light right up.

  • Chel
    May 24, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    I’m with Ashe. N’awlins represent!

  • melina bee
    May 24, 2011 at 4:35 pm

    wow, I’d love to take a class with Richard Simmons (and you too Marie), the costumes and stories sound so motivational, I really liked the quote ” You have to make peace with the past and look for the rainbows in the present. You must surround yourself with positive people who make you feel good. Those friends are the true rainbows in your life.”

  • Eli
    May 24, 2011 at 9:17 pm

    This is so awesome! I’m dying over that photo of you too, he’s such a sweetheart and cool person. I wonder if we can be friends?!

  • Marshall
    May 24, 2011 at 10:11 pm

    Richard Simmons is and will always be SUPER AWESOME!!!

    I had no idea his classes were so affordable. I figured they were crazy expensive for some reason, only for fancy people. I am so going to one. Now to find the perfect outfit…

  • Rachael
    May 25, 2011 at 9:08 am

    OMG – how much? Richard, I love you! I’m so there, Marie! What a fab post <3 I always loved Richard's vibrancy when I was a kid. Sometimes during rainy days my grammar school PE teacher would put on Sweatin' to the Oldies. So much fun!

  • TheShoeGirl
    May 25, 2011 at 10:29 am

    i love you more every day.

  • Freya
    May 28, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    Oh my yes! Next time I am in LA I am definitely going to one of his classes!

  • mary van note
    May 30, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    Umm…. can we please go take his class together next time I’m in LA? This is AMAZING.

  • Cara
    June 2, 2011 at 5:35 am

    OMG I love him so much! I am so excited that he still takes classes. OK so I am even more determined to get to the USA now so I can attend one of his classes!

  • tuesday
    June 13, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    Hahaha Richard is still being Richard. Love him! He´s still being his hilarious and creative self.

    check out myVisual art blog


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